Commitment to Academic Excellence:
In 2024, Gold Hill met state academic expectations on CMAS, with our focus on critical thinking and comprehension skills across all subjects. Students engage deeply with literature and informational texts, gaining analysis, synthesis, and evidence-based thinking skills.
Growth & Literacy Focus:
Gold Hill's current focus is on literacy, with an aim to have 73% of students meeting or exceeding their growth targets in reading according to the iReady Reading Assessment. This commitment continues with targeted interventions and a goal to reach 50-60% of students meeting grade-level comprehension expectations by the end of the school year on iReady. For early readers, our school has a multi-tiered support system (MTSS) to ensure every student receives individualized support to strengthen foundational literacy skills.
2024-2025 Goals:
This year, our focus is on continuing to grow students’ literacy and critical thinking skills while supporting personalized learning in small, multi-age settings. We are excited to help every child unlock their potential and thrive in our engaging and inclusive community.